MODSUN Music Video Karma

MOD SUN – “KARMA” Music Video directed by Machine Gun Kelly

“Without a doubt, this is the best music I’ve made in my entire career,” says MOD SUN. “When John Feldmann and I got into the studio it was lighting in a bottle. I’m writing my most vulnerable music and even playing live drums on my songs for the first time.”

On the heels of his recent success with two hit singles, I Remember Way Too Much” and “Stay Away” ft Machine Gun Kelly and Goody Grace, MOD SUN is thrilled to finally share “Karma” with the world. 

“With ‘Karma’, I finally feel like I’ve captured the energy I bring to my live performances into a song. This was the first song Feldmann and I made together and it shaped the entire album. This is a song you can send to anyone who ever made fun of you in high school,” said MOD SUN.

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