Chatting with Chris Wallace!

This past week, we had the opportunity to catch up with the amazing Chris Wallace! Scroll down to see what his favorite hobbies are, what his favorite tv show is (It’s my favorite too!) and so much more!

Thanks Chris!!


What are some of the major influences for your new album?

Since I can remember I’ve always been obsessed w/ pop music… Especially Michael Jackson. I know it’s kinda a cliche thing to say, but right before I started writing this album. I hadn’t liked the Beatles most of my life. One day, I decided to give them a try. I finally bought a Beatles box set and listened to it all the way through. It seriously changed the way I look at songwriting and music all together.

What inspired you to go solo after being with White Tie Affair?

I always trust my instincts. Weather I’m writing a song or choosing a path in life. I just felt like it was the perfect time to make a new path and do my own thing. The journey I had with my old band gave me so much to write about. There was no doubt in my mind this was the next step for me.

Tell us a little bit about your typical day.

Every day seems to be something completely different these days, but lately it’s been: wake up…decide wether or not I trust the coffee in the hotel room…shower…check email… travel somewhere.. do an acoustic performance… travel somewhere else… get a song Idea and record it into my phone… end up in another hotel…sleep… repeat.

What else would you be if you weren’t a singer/songwriter?

Growing up I was next in line to take over a family cabinet business, but I always knew that wasn’t the path for me. I just love music and the stage more than anything. So I probably would have be in theater or acted in musicals.

What is your TV guilty pleasure?

I know i’m many years late, but I just started watching Dexter. I love it.

What is your favorite hobby?

Growing up I really loved riding dirt bikes and motorcycles, but these days I’m pretty obsessed w/ surfing.

If you were stranded on a desert island, what three items would you take with you and why?

My acoustic guitar, guitar strings, and a wilson volleyball. I would probably write the best songs ever… that now one will ever hear haha.

What’s your worst habbit?

I used to bite my finger nails.. finally kicked that habit last year!! Grossss haha

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