We had the great opportunity to see Shane Harper, Greyson Chance, and Cody Simpson while they were here in Chicago at the House of Blues. All of them were great and put on a good show for the packed house. While we were there we met Shane Harper and had him answer some questions for us, but first, here is a picture of us at the Meet & Greet.
And now, on to the questions you all want answers to:
CTB: What musician/group inspires you and why?I’m inspired by so many different people.
SH: One of them is Jon Foreman from Switchfoot. The lyrics he writes are always really meaningful and he sings from a very real and organic place.
CTB: What is it like/has it been like touring with Greyson & Cody?
SH: Greyson and Cody are such talented guys and it’s been a very positive “first tour” experience. Their teams and families are so nice and make it so comfortable for me. I also really have enjoyed getting out on the road and meeting people and seeing new places.
CTB: If you could go on tour with anyone, who would it be?
SH: Going on tour with Justin Timberlake would be cool! There are so many people I would love to tour with so it’s hard to answer.
CTB: What are you doing when you are not filming “Good Luck Charlie”, or making music?
SH: I love spending time with my family and friends.
CTB: What is a typical day like on the set of “Good Luck Charlie”?
SH: When we aren’t actually rehearsing or filming, we play music, board games and take cast walks on the studio lot!
CTB: If you didn’t go into acting/singing, what would you be doing?
SH: I have an interest in philosophy, literature and Theology so I would very likely do something that encompasses
those things.
CTB: What was your first job?
SH: My first job was as a dancer in a Cartoon Network made for tv movie called, “Reanimated”.
CTB: What are you working on now, or will be working on soon?
SH: Now that my album is released, I will be touring through the summer ,and also continuing my guest star role on Good Luck Charlie. Hopefully there will be a new acting project coming up in the near future. I’m definitely planning on focusing on the acting aspect of my career as well as the music.
CTB: What type of person were you in school, were you ‘labelled’ at all?
SH: I was home schooled all of my life so I avoided the label thing.
CTB: What could we find on your iPod?
SH: Currently Augustana!
CTB: What is your favorite food?
SH: Everything! lol But I do like to eat healthy and organic if possible.
CTB: What do you look for in a girl, what qualities are important?
SH: Smart, funny, sweet and kind! and she has to like to read!
Thank you Shane, it was great to meet you. If you are ever back in the Chicago area, we’d love to see you again.