Being Sick!

Guess what, I am sick!  I picked the perfect time to be sick too, because my school has ISATS this week, but it is not the best thing because I have to retake all the ones I missed next week!  It stinks but I need to feel better.  So while others are learning I have been on youtube listening to Justin Biebers “One Time” and now I think I am going to make a stupid video for youtube!  I am bored but I still feel pretty crapy but it doesn’t bother me as much as it did in first period but it is still pretty bad! 🙁 I hope I feel better soon!  Another bad thing about me being sick at this time is on the 12th I might have a sleepover with my “cousin” that I never see. I hope I feel better or no sleepover! 🙁  Well I am going to make a stupid music video of me mouthing the words to “One Time” I hope all of you aren’t sick like me and you all are healthy! 🙂

Alyssa Signature

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